

The name of the organization shall be: Ashford Women’s Club, herein after referred to as “Club”.


The purpose of this organization shall be to enrich the lives of the Members and to serve the community through participation in civic, social and philanthropic activities.

The Club reaches out to women at least 21 years of age regardless of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical ability who demonstrate an interest in the enrichment of their community.


Section 1 – There are three (3) types of memberships in the Club: Active, Associate, and Sponsored, hereinafter collectively referred to as “Members”.  Members are expected to participate in the Club by attending meetings, hosting or co-hosting a meeting, joining a committee and donating to the annual fundraiser.

Section 1-A – Active Members are those who have paid their dues on time and met all requirements set up in the Bylaws. Active Members shall be limited to residents of the Ashford Community Association (ACA).

Section 1-B – In the event an Active Member moves out of the ACA and wishes to remain a member of the Club, she can request a change of membership status from Active Member to Associate Member by requesting in writing her intention to do so to the Board of Directors (Board). Associate Members may serve as officers of the Club, excluding President, and they may co-sponsor a Sponsored Member.

Section 1-C – Sponsored Members are members who live in the area, but not within the ACA. Two Members (either two Active or one Active and one Associate) must co-sponsor a Sponsored Member. Sponsored Members may serve as officers of the Club, excluding President. Sponsored Members may co-sponsor other Sponsored Members if one Active Member also co-sponsors the Sponsored Member.

Section 2 – The annual dues for Members joining September – March shall be $30.00, payable by any method approved by the Treasurer, with Member paying any applicable service charges.

Section 2A – Dues for Members joining from April through June shall be the same as Section 2, however, the paid dues shall be inclusive of the dues obligation for the subsequent Club year.

Section 3 One third of the membership shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1 – The officers of the Club shall be President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian.

Section 2 – Nominations for Board positions shall be made by a Nominating Committee composed of one elected Board member and two Members, appointed by the President at the March meeting. At the President’s discretion, additional Members may be appointed to the Nominating Committee. Floor nominations may be made at the presentation of the slate of officers at the April meeting.

Section 3 – All officers, except the Parliamentarian, who shall be the immediate past President, shall be elected at the May meeting. In the event the sitting President is nominated to serve a second term, the Nominating Committee will submit a name to fill the Parliamentarian position. The nominee shall either be currently serving on the Board or shall have served on the Board previously. In this instance the Parliamentarian shall be on the slate and shall be elected at the May meeting. Vote will be by ballot where there is more than one nominee and count made by Members of the Nominating Committee.

Section 4 – A vacancy in office, except for the position of President, may be filled at any regular meeting by appointment of the Board. If the President is unable to complete her term, the 1st Vice President shall assume the duties of President for the remaining term and another member shall be appointed to serve out the 1st Vice President’s term.

Section 5 – The positions of 2nd VP and Secretary can be shared positions held by two Board members each.


Section 1 – The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint Committee Chairs, and perform other duties as pertain to her office. She shall be ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee. She may be a signatory on the Club bank account and if not, the 1st Vice President will be a signatory. The President shall be responsible for notification of meetings and communication between meetings.

Section 2 – The 1st Vice President shall be an aide to the President, and Chair of the Directory Committee. She shall perform the duties of the President in her absence or inability to serve. Should the President decline to be a signatory on the Club bank account, the 1st Vice President will be a signatory.

Section 3 – The 2nd Vice President shall act as Program Chair and coordinate Hostesses and Co-Hostesses. She shall maintain the meeting supplies. She shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of both the President and 1st Vice President.

Section 4 – The Secretary shall record Club proceedings, distribute Board meeting minutes to the Board, general meeting minutes to the members and conduct correspondence of the Club.

Section 5 – The Treasurer shall collect all membership forms and dues, and other monies and shall maintain and provide a copy of a current membership list to the Board. She shall be the custodian of the funds for the Club and shall pay all bills approved by the Board. She shall file receipts of all disbursements, keep a balanced account of all receipts and expenditures and shall be ready to make a monthly report at each meeting. She will make periodic checks to see that all dues have been paid. She shall be a signatory on the Club bank account. She shall be responsible for ensuring that the proper signature cards are on file with the bank.

Section 6 – The Parliamentarian is an advisory, non-voting position. She shall advise the President on parliamentary points in question, as stated in the Bylaws.  If such points are not stated in the Bylaws, the decision will be deferred to Roberts Rules of Order.

Section 7 – Each member of the Board and Committee Chair, in addition to her duties, shall provide all notes, correspondence, and electronic computer files to the incoming President at the June meeting for her successor. Each member of the Board shall meet with her successor to review the duties and responsibilities of the position.


Section 1 – The elected officers and immediate past President and/or Parliamentarian shall constitute the Board. The Board shall meet prior to the September Membership meeting and as needed during the Club year. The Board shall take charge of business between meetings and shall formulate plans and policies.

Section 2 – All Board Members are required to attend the Board meetings and regular Club meetings.

Section 3 – The Board shall host the September meeting.


Section 1 – The regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m., September through June.

Section 1A – The September meeting will be a Membership meeting to encourage new members and accept membership forms and payment.

Section 1B – The October meeting will be the Annual Business Meeting.  The Treasurer shall present the Operating Budget and members will vote to approve. Other officer and committee reports shall be presented as necessary.

Section 1C – The June meeting will be for the installation of new officers.  A Treasurer’s report will also be given at the June meeting.

Section 2 – The President may call special meetings and only such business for which the special meeting was called shall be transacted at said meetings.

ARTICLE VIII – Standing Committees

Section 1 – The following committees are considered annually at the start of the Club year and determined by the current Board.

Section 2Yard-of-the-Month Committee shall be in charge of selecting an outstanding yard in the neighborhood monthly, and awarding and maintaining the sign.

Section 3 Helping Hands Committee or designated member will be responsible for coordinating meals and assistance for members in need to include, but not limited to, illness, childbirth and death in the family.

Section 4Directory Committee shall be responsible for compiling the Club’s Membership Directory. The directory should be completed and distributed to the membership no later than the December meeting.

Section 5Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for the annual fundraising event.

Section 6Events Committee shall be responsible for organizing events that are not part of the regular monthly meetings.

Section 7Memorial Garden Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the Memorial Garden.

Section 8Welcome Committee shall be responsible for welcoming new residents to the neighborhood.


Section 1 – The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of membership, provided the proposed amendments have been read at the previous regular meeting and/or disseminated by email one week prior to the meeting for vote.

Section 2 – Standing Rules may be adopted, amended or repealed at any regular meeting by a majority vote of the Members, provided proposed amendments have been read at the previous regular meeting and/or disseminated by email one week prior to the meeting for vote.